MDE Minerals Consulting
Focusses on geometallurgical support and sustainable process development for mining projects and operations.

Focusses on geometallurgical support and sustainable process development for mining projects and operations.
Romke Kuyvenhoven starts MDE Minerals Consulting in 2021, with a primary focus on consulting services for robust NI43-101 based geometallurgy and development of sustainable metallurgical processes, contributing to the success of exploration projects and the operational improvement at existing mineral processing plants.
Romke Kuyvenhoven has 25+ years of experience in geometallurgy and process development for applied research projects and for engineering studies at scoping, PEA and PFS level. Her focus has been primarily on porphyry copper and IOCG deposits, with a more recent focus on cobalt as well. She is permanently based in Chile and fully bilingual English-Spanish. More than two decades of professional activity in the region has given her a profound understanding of the Chilean culture and business climate, including extensive experience with NI43-101 reporting regulations.
Adequate management of Environmental, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) aspects is of critical importance. The identification of best processing routes and inclusion of innovative processing technology is a challenging and necessary task, to assure the successful development of a greenfield project. Compliance with local environmental regulations, accomplishment of the financial expectations of the owner's team, and a constructive and long term relationship with neighbouring communities and other stakeholders, are all key in the definition of that succes.
Geometallurgy of Cobaltiferous Copper Ores of the Chilean Iron Belt. Authors: Romke Kuyvenhoven & Brian Townley
Plantas Concentradoras del Futuro. Author: Romke Kuyvenhoven
Geometallurgy of Cobaltiferous Copper
Ores of the Chilean Iron Belt. Author: Romke Kuyvenhoven
Improved energy efficiency in the grinding and classification circuit of a magnetite concentration plant. Authors: Solange Vera, Romke Kuyvenhoven, Jaime Sepúlveda and Marcin Ziemski
Challenges and opportunities for cobalt recovery at copper plants. Authors: Romke Kuyvenhoven and Brian Townley
The role of electrochemistry in making a mining business work: Why adequate particle liberation is not enough. Authors:
Romke Kuyvenhoven and Massimiliano Zanin
2023 SAIMM presentation Geometallurgy of Cobalt in Chile (pdf)
Descargar2023 WEIR Presentacion Plantas Concentradoras del Futuro (pdf)
Descargar2023 Lithocaps Presentation SPA Process Mineralogy and Cobalt Potential (pdf)
Descargar2022 IAGS Presentation ENG Geometallurgy Cobaltiferous Copper Ores Iron Belt Chile (pdf)
Descargar2022 PPT Importancia de Variabilidad Geometalurgica en Determinacion de Reservas Mineras (pdf)
Descargar2020 Improved Energy Efficiency in Grinding Magnetite Plant (pdf)
Descargar2019 Challenges and opportunities for cobalt recovery at copper plants (pdf)
Descargar2018 Geometallurgical characterization of Vizcachitas CuMo ore (pdf)
Descargar2017 The role of electrochemistry in making a mining business work (pdf)
DescargarRomke Kuyvenhoven da inicio a su propia empresa consultora a fines del año 2021, enfocada en la utilización de procesos metalúrgicos sustentables y el modelamiento geometalúrgico robusto, con el fin de asegurar el desarrollo exitoso de proyectos mineros nuevos y proyectos de expansión en la región Andina. Solicita mas información por email si te interesa, para ver como MDE Consulting puede ayudar.
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